What was the Brief

To carry out a review and audit of M&E statutory compliance at three schools located in Scotland for the Project SPV Apleona and the FM service provider, and also to produce report detailing the outcomes and recommended actions from the audit.

What did we do

We spent a day at each of the three schools undertaking a statutory compliance audit which covered the following hard service elements:-

  • Water Systems;
  • Electrical Systems;
  • Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems (HVAC);
  • Fire and Life Safety Systems;
  • Health and Safety;
  • Lifts;
  • Insurance Inspections and Certification.

The audits were carried out utilising our tablet-based auditing tool mobiess, following the site visits a detailed report was produced containing the results of the audits and also recommended actions.

The Outcome

A number of recommendations were actioned by the service provider following our statutory compliance audits and as the result the SPV were subsequently able to demonstrate to the local authority that a high level of statutory compliance was being achieved on the schools.

 Client feedback

The feedback from all parties involved was very positive.